Office Buildings

Office Buildings are typically defined as commercial in nature, single or multi-tenant, where professional companies are provided a safe & healthy workplace environment, primarily for administrative consulting, and other clients not related to retail sales.

Office buildings can range in size from below 100,000 square feet to exceed a million or more. Some properties maintain a Class A rating by their ownership and marketing teams and have high levels of service and amenities provided to their tenants.  Other properties may be older or designed in a way that they attract a less demanding tenant base, offering fewer amenities and less detail in their service delivery.

As a general rule, nightly cleaning is preferred by all occupants and SELECT is pleased to provide the full range of services expected for any property, regardless of their class or size.  Every property served by SELECT is “custom fitted” to meet the combination of priorities set by the ownership and its management team to best suit the building profile.  Big or small, we clean them all.

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